Blood clotting can be a necessary and beneficial process. However, sometimes it can become too clotty, causing potentially dangerous complications.
Blood-thinning medication may be required by people with certain medical conditions, such as congenital disabilities of the heart, to reduce their risk for heart attacks and stroke.
Blood Thinners Work in Two Ways Antiplatelets prevent blood cells from adhering together and forming a clot. Anticoagulants slow down the clotting process.
Before trying any natural remedies, it is essential to consult your doctor. They may not be as effective as prescription medications, and they may interact with certain prescription drugs.
The following foods and substances may reduce the risk of blood clots by acting as natural blood thinners.
The golden spice is known as Turmeric has been used for centuries for culinary and medical purposes. Turmeric contains curcumin, an active ingredient with anti-inflammatory properties and blood-thinning/anticoagulant properties.
The EPMA Journal, in its 2019 reviewTrustedSource, indicates that turmeric can help prevent blood clotting. It also warns against mixing turmeric with blood-thinning medications.
GingerGinger may also stop blood clotting. It contains an acid called salicylate. Acetylsalicylic Acid is also known as Aspirin. It’s a synthetic derivative and blood thinner.
Use fresh or dried ginger in cooking, baking, and juices to get the anticoagulant effect of natural salicylates.
Natural salicylates may not be as effective as blood thinners.
A 2015 review of literatureTrusted Source reveals that the effects of ginger on blood clotting remain unclear. This suggests that further research is required to understand ginger’s potential blood-thinning effects fully.
Cayenne peppers
Cayenne Peppers contain high salicylates, which can act as powerful blood thinners.
In the Ascendant Asia Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, a 2019 study found that cayenne extract slows blood clotting for type O+ samples.
Cayenne pepper can be pretty spicy; some people only tolerate small amounts.
You can buy cayenne capsules in health food shops and online. This spice has many other benefits.
Vitamin E
Vitamine E can reduce blood clotting by several different methods. The amount of vitamin E a person consumes will determine the effects.
The National Institutes of Health Office of Dietary SupplementsTrusted Source recommends that those who take blood-thinning medications should avoid large doses of Vitamin E.
The amount of vitamin E that thins blood is unknown, but you would probably need to take more than 400 international units (IU) or from a trusted source daily.
Taking vitamin E supplements in high doses, such as 1,500 IU per day, may cause adverse side effects.
Garlic is a natural antiseptic and antibiotic that has Antibiotic properties.
According to a 2018 Food Science and Biotechnology report, garlic powder has antithrombotic properties in rats. Antithrombotic agents are substances that prevent blood clots from forming.
The review of studies by 2020 Trusted Source revealed that taking garlic supplements reduced blood pressure and had mild effects on thrombosis.
In Medicines, research from 2015 states that dietary supplements, including garlic, may affect platelet function. It is, therefore, best to avoid these supplements before surgery.